Durable Headphones

What Makes Headphones More Durable

When you love to keep listening to your favorite songs all the time, then you know what it feels like when your set of headphones stop working. The truth is that when you keep using them, it is normal that they don’t last for such a long time. But this becomes even more evident when you buy cheap headphones that lack the quality of the materials. But what makes headphones more durable?

Discover more about headphones.


The reality is that not all headphones are made the same way or made to last the same time. It is normal to expect that cheaper headphones last less time than more expensive ones. But you don’t also need to look at only the most expensive ones. It’s just a way to find a balance where you feel comfortable. And to find this balance, you need to know the factors to look at when you are buying a new set of headphones. 

What Makes Headphones More Durable

Ultimately, when you are trying to discover what makes headphones more durable, then you need to keep some factors in mind when you are buying a new set of cans.

#1: Durability:


As obvious this may be, it is very important that you buy durable headphones. This means that you need to look at the construction materials, the wires in case you are buying wired headphones, and even the warranty that the manufacturer gives you. Ultimately, all these factors combined allow you to ensure that you know that you’re buying durable headphones that will last. 

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Discover the most durable headphones in 2020.

#2: Construction Material:


As we already mentioned above, one of the things that make headphones last for more time is the quality of the materials used to manufacture them. Overall speaking, the most durable headphones are the ones that are made of aluminum, steel, or even a hard plastic. But if they are made of a cheap plastic then stay away since these won’t last. In case you can’t tell the difference between good and cheap plastic, then simply go for aluminum or steel. 

Check out the durable headphones ranking.

#3: Wires:

When you are considering buying wired headphones, then you need to pay very close attention to the wires. The truth is that this is one of the things that tends to be worn out quickly on headphones. 

One of the things that you may not know is that the wire number of bends is what usually determines the durability of the headphones. Just to give you an idea, the most durable headphones should allow about 1 million bends. 

#4: Warranty:


When you see a manufacturer offering 1 or 2 years of warranty, then you can expect the headphones to last. The longer the warranty period, the more the manufacturer believes in the headphones. This means they will last for longer. 

These are the top durable headphones.

#5: Brand:

While we are not all in favor for only buying brand headphones, the truth is that the brand plays a role as well in terms of the durability. The truth is that brands don’t want to be associated with low-quality materials or headphones that don’t last. These affect their reputation. However, there’s also no point in paying twice the money for some headphones just to see a specific logo there. It’s all about reaching a balance. 

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