Durable Earbuds Durable Headphones

Over-Ear Headphones Vs Earbuds – Durability Matters

When you are looking for the best option to listen to your favorite songs, you need to ask yourself if you prefer over-ear headphones vs earbuds. The truth is that even though there are great options among the two categories, it ultimately depends on what you are looking for. 


Discover the top headphones and earplugs in 2019. 

Over-Ear Headphones Vs Earbuds – Durability Matters

One of the aspects that many people want to comply with when they are buying over-ear headphones or earbuds is durability. The truth is that you don’t want to keep spending money every month on a new set. 

So, which ones tend to last longer?

#1: Over-Ear Headphones Durability:


As a rule of thumb, over-ear headphones tend to be more durable. However, it is important to notice that not all over-ear headphones are made the same way. While there are over-ear headphones that can last for years in perfect conditions, there are others which start showing wear signs after just a couple of months. 

Check out the most durable over-ear headphones.

So, when you are looking to buy over-ear headphones that are durable you should consider the materials they are made of. When you buy headphones with plastic earcups, for example, these don’t tend to last for a very long time. Besides, and unless they include a high-dense foam inside, they won’t even be comfortable. 

In addition, it is important that your new over-ear headphones are able to deliver good audio quality. After all, you want to ensure that you listen to every beat. 

READ  Top 8 Most Durable Long Lasting Earbud Headphones In 2021

One of the things that you need to pay attention to when you are looking at over-ear headphones is the cables. The truth is you will be able to choose between wired and wireless headphones. However, even for wireless headphones, you will still need to charge them. So, just look at the connection of each cable to see if it is resistant. This tends to be crucial when you want your over-ear headphones to last. 

Looking for the most durable over-ear headphones?

#2: Earplugs Durability:


Just like over-ear headphones, you have earplugs that last for a longer time than others. The main difference between them resides on the materials manufacturers use. Some earplugs are made of low-quality plastic that simply doesn’t last even if you don’t wear them much. 

In case you are always on the go and you prefer earplugs since they are more portable, you need to understand that you may be sacrificing the audio. Ultimately, and as a rule of thumb, over-ear headphones tend to offer better audio quality than earplugs. While this isn’t always the case, it is true for most. 

The cables of earplugs also play an important role here. The reality is that most earplugs are wired and you will need to deal with all the tangling. This may shorten the life of your earplugs. 

Not sure which headphones to choose? These ones are made to last.



So, which ones should you pick in terms of durability: over-ear headphones vs earbuds?

Discover the materials used to make headphones.

READ  5 Factors To Consider When Looking For Sturdy Headphones

While this is a matter of personal opinion also, we believe that you should be better off with over-ear headphones. You won’t need to worry about cables so much and you’ll enjoy high-quality audio. In terms of the materials, it will also be easier for you to find high-quality over-ear headphones than earplugs. 

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