Sleeping Earplugs

3 Health Benefits Of A Good Night Sleep

While you probably already know that a good night sleep can make miracles, you are probably unaware of its many different health benefits. The truth is that a good night sleep can bring you numerous health benefits. However, before we proceed, it is important that you understand that there are many things you can do to make sure that you can sleep well.


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One of the best things you can do is to wear noise blocking earmuffs for sleeping. They are a great solution not only to allow you to block the noises that come from the street as well as they are a great aid to block your partner’s snore.


3 Health Benefits Of A Good Night Sleep

#1: Improve Your Brain Function:

According to many studies, sleeping well is crucial to have your brain working properly. Catherine Darley, ND, of the Institute of Naturopathic Sleep Medicine in Seattle states that “Getting enough quality sleep is critical to keeping our brains functioning well.” According to her, when you’re deprived of REM sleep, “it can impair a whole gamut of brain function from simple memory to more complex problem-solving.”

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We can also state that a lack of REM sleep can result in difficulty focusing and concentrating, memory problems, and slower cognition and social processing. In addition, more recent studies have also shown that a lack of REM sleep may result in a difficulty in learning so efficiently. After all, when you’re not able to focus, you won’t learn as easily as if you were focused. Besides, when you’re learning, you’re also using memory. And since when you don’t sleep well your memory won’t work so well, you won’t learn as easily either.

#2: Improve Your Physical Health:


You already noticed that when you’re not able to sleep well, your energy levels are down during the entire day. However, this isn’t the only thing that is affected by the lack of sleep. The truth is that a good night sleep is crucial to ensure that your body functions at its best.

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Some of the things to keep in mind are the fact that a healthy sleep can help improve your heart health by decreasing stress, keep your immune system working properly, and can help your body better regulate blood sugar levels.

#3: Improve Your Skin:


You probably already heard the expression “beauty sleep”. And it couldn’t be nearer the truth. The reality is that your grandma was right all along when she said that she needed her beauty sleep. According to Cheryl Myers, RN, “When you get into stage three or four of sleep your body makes human growth hormone, which is often referred to as the body’s natural anti-aging hormone. When you go to sleep, skin is repaired and replenished and made ready for another day. Every time you take an hour away from healthy sleep you are making that much less growth hormone and it’s going to show up on your face.”

READ  How To Get A Good Night Sleep Every Night

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